LimitState:SLAB features in STRUCTURE magazine article

The September issue of the US magazine STRUCTURE includes the article “Modern limit analysis tools for reinforced concrete slabs”, which features LimitState:SLAB.


A joint publication of the National Council of Structural Engineers Associations (NCSEA), The Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) of ASCE and the Council of American Structural Engineers (CASE), STRUCTURE has a circulation of more than 28,000 practicing structural engineers in the United States.

The article, written jointly with colleagues from Ramsay Maunder Associates, alerts readers to a number of recent developments in the field of limit analysis of reinforced concrete slabs. It is demonstrated that analysis tools now exist which allow highly accurate plastic analysis results to be obtained. LimitState:SLAB is used to obtain a very close estimate (within 1%) of the true plastic capacity of a landing slab, a problem for which a highly inaccurate solution had been available in the literature since the 1990s. (The article is actually a reprint of the article which appeared recently in Concrete, the official magazine of the Concrete Society.)

A copy of the article can be found on the STRUCTURE website.
More information about LimitState:SLAB is available on our website here.

newsTom Pritchardslab