Two More Major Companies License LimitState Software

LimitState are pleased to announce that two major international companies, INECO-TIFSA and Grontmij, have this week licensed LimitState software.


INECO-TIFSA, with headquarters in Madrid and offices around the world, form part of the Spanish Ministry of Public Works and employ over 3000 staff. They have been using LimitState:RING since 2007, and this week renewed their license for their ongoing masonry arch assessment work. A senior engineer from the company who attended one of our seminars last December was also very impressed by our geotechnical engineering software LimitState:GEO. As a consequence we are pleased to announce that INECO-TIFSA have now licensed LimitState:GEO for use throughout the company.


Grontmij are an engineering consultancy with over 8000 professionals (making them the fourth largest in Europe), with offices worldwide. They have this week licensed LimitState:RING for a series of masonry arch bridge assessments.

newsTom Pritchardring, geo